There's a host of law of attraction teachers from Louise Hay to pre-Biblical prophets screaming one message at us:

Your feelings come first!

But the question that comes up in many forums and law of attraction workshops is this one:

"Isn't it "phoney" to pretend that what I want is here when it actually isn't?"

My personal take on this is that the question you must always ask first when confronted with lack is not "What shall I do?" but - MUCH more important, "How shall I BE?"

I recently turned my finances around with this very technique - when work dried up, I realised that the state to be in was "resourceful" - not panic stricken - and new work, (from a completely new source), turned up the very next day!

It's not phoney if you accept (= choose to believe) that what you are seeing "now" is in fact the product of what you have produced in the past, (from your previous set of beliefs & feelings). In other words there's a time lag.

It's as if what you are seeing today is what you "recorded" yesterday, and what you will see tomorrow is what you are "recording" now.

If you focus on what's here today and look at all the un-manifested stuff, tomorrow you'll see the "screening" of more un-manifested stuff!

(I use today, tomorrow and yesterday somewhat metaphorically to indicate "recent past", "now", and "soon").

The "real" reality is in your head, not in what you perceive as your outside world! Therefore, it's not "phoney" because it's all a product of your feelings and beliefs anyway!

Secondly, if you read the Abraham-Hicks material, (excellent!), you will see that they often advise not trying to go from a very negative emotional state to a very positive one in one hop. Someone in despair is unlikely to be able to feel joyous in the next moment.

Instead they advise reaching for the next best feeling state - e.g. anger is better than hopelessness because anger is at least active! (Not that they're advising that you stay angry - it's just a step on the ladder!)

The Law Of Attraction Principle is to reach for the next thought that would give relief!

The beautiful thing about this is, you can!

You have the power to choose what to think about and what to focus on. Whilst most other creatures seem to be slaves to their instincts, we have the capacity to observe our instinctive responses and to control our minds.

Doesn't that strike you as at least odd, if not utterly fascinating?

Why, then would you choose to focus on all the negativity in the world and your own life when you can notice how much is right?

I asked a close friend who was complaining about her struggles with her job and finances what qualities she wanted from an ideal life.

Her answers included feeling appreciated every day and being able to offload without being judged - things that were most definitely not happening in her office!

I asked her to consider if there was anywhere in her life that that was happening. It took her about two seconds to exclaim, "My dog! My beautiful dog gives me that every day!"

A simple shift in focus showed her she was already rich in departments she had felt impoverished in only a moment before. She was then able to use the Law Of Attraction by focussing on the positives in her life, (so she felt better), and within four months she had a completely new job and new home that she loves!

If you want the law of attraction to work in your life, it's simple - work it. You can either feel the feelings of what you want but which is not yet here, or feel good by doing as my friend did and reaching for "appreciation" or "gratitude".

Not doing so is like complaining that you can't see your favourite television programmes even though you have electricity in your home.

Yes, you have the power, but had you thought to buy a television set? And plug it in?

The source energy - the power of the law of attraction - is there whether you harness it or not. Just choose how you want to operate it in your life, and it will deliver.

Now, go and feel good about having everything you think is missing - because today's movie in your mind becomes tomorrow's reality!

law of attraction


Trevor Emdon is a self improvement author, life coach and workshop leader. He is a trained mental health professional & NLP practitioner. For more wisdom on how to make the Law Of Attraction work in your life, visit

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friend: health

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